The worst thing a believing Christian can call themselves is a “sinner saved by grace.” We have all sinned, and we must never lose sight of what Jesus did for us. But when we become born again, the old man is dead and we become a new creation. People who call themselves a sinner saved by grace are getting their identity as a sinner. When we get our identity as a sinner we’re setting ourselves up for failure. We’re not sinners. We are sons and daughters of God. We are powerful and free. We’re still capable of sinning, but we’ve really lost the appeal of it. We’re free to be powerful and manage ourselves. Sin is a big deal. Sin really isn’t that big of a deal. I love the tension of the Kingdom. God is never surprised, shocked, or angry over our sin. When I did something stupid or harmful to myself or others, my parents would get upset and help correct me. They never called me a bad boy. My stupidity never changed the way they saw me. They were only upset because I was doing something harmful to myself, others, or our connection. It’s the same with Father. He never sees us as anything other than His wonderful sons and daughters. God doesn’t hate sin because He made up some random rules, He hates sin because it causes a disruption in our connection. The disconnect is never on His side of our relationship, it’s on our side. Thankfully, Jesus has dealt with it on our side. Our spirit is in perfect union with Him.
It’s a common belief that Jesus paid the price for our sins. Unfortunately, many in the American church don’t believe that Jesus has healed us from all sickness in the very same act. We believe lies that are very damaging. We see a loved one that dies from cancer, all while praying for them to be healed. We then assume that it was God’s will for them to die. We become discouraged and don’t pray for anyone next time. We also believe that our body is somehow less important than our spirit and soul. Jesus never separated them. He is just as passionate about healing our body than forgiving our sins. Our body is just as spiritual and just as important as anything. As Christians we make agreements that says it’s okay for our body to be sick because we’re really learning perseverance and the joy of God. That’s great. We should have perseverance and joy in the midst of everything, no matter how bad our doctors report is. But those valuable lessons never make it okay to have a sick body. God is so big and so good that He will use anything bad for His and ours good. It’s never His desire or plan to use sickness to make us a better person. We must stop having the mindset that says it’s okay to be sick as long as we’re healthy emotionally and spiritually. I’m not walking yet, but I’m learning to have pleasure and freedom in the midst of everything. I can also tell you that Jesus wants to see me walking more than I want to walk. That’s crazy, because I REALLY want too. He’s so very good. He has already healed us, and I want to see His reward manifested.
Jesus also brought freedom to our souls. He didn’t die so we could one day be saved. We have total access to His victory this very day. In my mind, our soul involves our cognizant beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. I believe we can have complete freedom. We are powerful and have freedom to manage ourselves. I’ve really been learning that a lot. My relationships have involved manipulation because I felt and believed I was powerless. I remember I told one of my friends a lie one time just so my life could be more interesting. I believed the lie that I had to perform to make someone want to hang out with me. But the truth is, is that I am powerful. I’m just learning how to live that out. It’s been really fun and exciting. Father has given us complete freedom over our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. How awesome is that? We’re going to feel pain and face scary things, but how do we manage that pain and fear? A powerless person will allow the pain and fear to rule over them. I’ve been there many times. I lived with my friend Mike for a year, he took care of a lot of my physical care. We moved in together about two months after I had the revelation that God could heal me so that I could walk. I was ready to change the world with my best friend. I wanted non stop praying, bible study, worship, and sharing our hearts. When we just relaxed I often felt restless and irritated. I became manipulative out of fear and feeling powerless. It soon created a distance in our friendship even though we were together most of everyday. While praying and all that is great and important, demanding it makes for a horrible friend. I believed lies and allowed fear to rule my soul. I believed God COULD heal me, but I wasn’t sure if He WANTED too. I was trying to perform because I didn’t know how loved I really am. Now I get to rest in the fact that Jesus WANTED to heal me so much, He already HAS. Sometimes it’s way more important that we just have fun and be silly with our friends than it is to pray or have a bible study. I believed God brought us together because I’m going to walk and we’re going to shape the course of history as we step into our destinies. That’s true. But I unfortunately made that the centerpiece and goal of our friendship. The highest calling of ANY friendship is to just hang out and love each other. I want to be friends with someone because I like being with them. Changing the world will come as a result of the love and the hanging out.
Jesus we’re so thankful that you have brought freedom to our spirit, body, and soul. We want to live it out.
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