Friday, April 25, 2014

living out our full inheritance part 1

I don’t know about you, but I want my full inheritance as a son of God. A better way to say that: I want to live out the inheritance that is already mine from a good, good Father. Our full inheritance is available to us right now. I want to see more of it manifested here on earth every day. Heaven will be such an adventure that we’ll be discovering new things everyday. The presence and glory of God is so outrageous and vast that throughout eternity we’ll constantly be discovering His presence in new ways. I want that adventure to start now. What does that look like? How do we live that out? I’m going to write a series of blog posts so I can go in more detail. But here are some general thoughts. I believe our inheritance can be boiled down to three major areas in our life.  

I live in perfect intimate union with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
I am saved, healed, and delivered.
My relationships are full of love and freedom.

I will share my thoughts about each one to the best of my ability. Not all of these are manifested in my life right now, but I’m on the adventure of that happening. I don’t have to wait until Heaven to experience them.  Like I said, even in Heaven, we'll be unpacking the victory Jesus has accomplished for us. That's really fun! Being a bored believer is definitely an oxymoron. It is a complete gift to us. We get to partner with God and unwrap the gift He has given us.

Father you're so good! We want to rise up as your sons and daughters and live out the inheritance you provided. We love you!

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