Monday, November 10, 2014

come wake me from my sleep

“Spirit of the Living God
Come fall afresh on me
Come wake me from my sleep”

I love the line “come wake me from my sleep.” It’s such a powerful song, and a powerful line. Aren’t we all sleeping? It’s easy for me to keep my eyes on my circumstances. I’ve had blood in my secretions on and off for over two years, and sometimes it really scares me. The doctors can only guess on why it’s happening. It’s been something that has played with my mind. I’ve recently repented of my fear, and I’ve been commanding it to go. I’ve felt Jesus telling me to laugh at it. I’ve been “sleeping” by keeping my eyes on the problem. How vast and expansive is Father’s kingdom, glory, joy, freedom, pleasure, goodness, and love? There is no end, and there is no limit. How small is Spinal Muscular Atrophy, cancer, depression, deafness, blindness, fear, self pity, worry, poverty, and death? There is no match. I want to stop sleeping.

How do we stop sleeping? I obviously don’t have it all figured out. I don’t know how to walk this out. I think we start to wake up by having intimacy and trust in our relationship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. It’s all about intimacy and trust, and every part of our life should flow from it. His love is perfect. Love, freedom, and power flows from intimacy and trust with the Trinity. Our love for people grows and we become powerful enough to protect our connections. We receive the revelation that we’ve literally been born again, and we’ve been set free from everything. We are supernatural beings. Cancer must go. My wheelchair must be empty. I’ve had very close friends and family die from cancer and SMA. That’s not okay with me. I believe that’s part of waking up, but until then I’m going to wake up in every way that God is awakening. I will live in His ecstasy and joy. I will love outrageously. I will love with courage and passion. I will heal the sick. I will see depression bow to Jesus. I will have freedom in my relationships, and I will protect the connections I have. I will live with extreme generosity. I will live awake.

Jesus, wake us up. Help us to grow in trust and intimacy. You’re always good, and we love you! Thank you.    

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