Thursday, February 13, 2014

sitting in a chair

I want to talk about having a relationship with Jesus. A couple years ago I had a vision of me sitting in a regular chair right across from Jesus. He was also sitting down in the same kind of chair. It's very simple, but also profound. Me and Jesus were just hanging out loving on each other. It was awesome. So many Christians, including myself, aren't aware of how much He loves hanging out with us. Religion makes God out to be angry and distant. The proverbial Big Guy in the sky. We must repent and start getting personal. Be real. Share your heart. You can't offend Him. Lets not over spiritualize this. When I'm with my best friends I love being intimate. I love to share my dreams, fears, desires, insecurities, and destiny. I laugh with them. I cry with them. I love just being in their presence. I love goofing around and going crazy. I like to play games. I love dancing and showing off my moves. It's the same with Jesus. He is my best friend and the lover of my soul. I'm learning to just hang out with Him and allow Him to love on me. He delights in me. I get to ride that delight right back to Him. I tell Him things from the depths of my soul. He sits with me and cries with me. I'm constantly laughing with Him and taking delight in the delight He takes in me. His ecstatic joy and love for me knows no bounds. He's so good and so worthy. I love dancing with the King of Kings. I love hearing His voice. I love going crazy and being silly with Him. He has a real sense of humor. I'm constantly learning and growing in my friendships. I'm learning to trust deeper. It's all about trust. If there's an area in my life where I don't trust Him, that's bad. I immediately repent, which means I change the way I think to what He thinks. I want Him to be able to trust me with His thoughts, dreams, desires, mysteries, and secrets. "Let me feel the heat of your gaze. Let me see you Ancient of Days. Let me see the fire in your eyes. Let me feel your burning desire." -Laura Hackett

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