Friday, April 23, 2010

face to face

I really can’t wait to be married. It’s such a huge desire of my heart. When I was in high school I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend, I was looking for a wife. I’m excited to give everything I have to my wife. I’ve never been married, obviously, but I’ve seen many marriages in action. One of the most important things is to give, give, give, and when I’m sick of giving, I give some more. I’m excited to love her as a daughter of the King, and to fight for her heart. I’m excited to fight along her side, displacing darkness for the Kingdom of our Father. I’m excited to start a family and have children. A family after God’s heart is powerful and is dangerous to darkness. They cultivate the very heart of our Father. More than all of that, I want to know my wife. I’m not going to get married to know about her, but to know her intimately. I plan on actually being with her, and liking it. I want to know what makes her heart beat, what she cries out for when no one is looking. I want to partner with her and God to see her dreams fulfilled. I want to know her so well that I’ll know what she thinks without talking. I believe she is a daughter of the King, and she really is royalty. That’s not a theory, it’s a reality. It’s my privilege and responsibility to know her as she is. And to not live as though it’s a theory.

The same goes with my relationship with Father. I talk a lot on this blog about miracles, signs, and wonders. You will get no apology from me. I want my full inheritance as a son of God. I won’t settle for less. But it’s important to keep the main thing, the main thing. I’m alive to know and love my Father deeply. Even deeper than my wife. People throw a lot of phrases out, including me. “Jesus is the lover my soul.” “I’m an abandoned lover and worshiper of Jesus.” Most of my life these truths have been a theory. But I can honestly say it’s now a reality in my life. People don’t know the extravagant love Father has for us. If people really knew Jesus and His love, people would literally RUN to Him. Most Christians settle for religion. Religion says God is distant and impersonal. We settle for knowing about God. What does your heart cry out for more than anything else? Well I really want to walk. We also want money, blessing, peace, and joy. But more than all that, our hearts ache for love. What in the heck tells us God doesn’t want love even more? Oh right, religion. Father is aching for our love. He is the Lover of all lovers. This is not a theory. Jesus is a person, waiting to be known. He’s longing to know us. I want to know what makes His heart beat, what He cries out for when no one is looking. I want to partner with Him and my wife to see His dreams fulfilled. I want to know Him so well that I’ll know what He thinks without talking. Holy Spirit is my best friend. The love of my life. I live to know my Father face to face.

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