I spend a lot of time dreaming with God when I’m awake. I just let Him take over my mind. I will act out situations that I was born to do. I dream of people instantly getting off of ventilators and out of their wheelchairs when the power of God hits them. People who have never walked in their entire life. I dream that I literally empty Mott’s Children Hospital here in Ann Arbor. I’ll think about pulling into an automobile accident where someone has died. I start worshiping my Father because He is ALWAYS GOOD! I release Heaven into the situation, and then Holy Spirit comes with life! The person has been raised from the dead, breathing new life again! I think about my first day walking and what that will be like. I’m going to go super crazy and dance and worship all day. I’m pretty sure I won’t stop hugging and kissing my family and friends. I think about how I’m always going to be giving. My parents, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends have been selfless my entire life. They give everything so that I can live. I want to spend my life giving back to them. I want to invest in them and give them everything I have. I can’t wait to cook my Mom dinner, or to drive to see my grandparents just to pursue and honor them, or to go on vacation with my friends without needing care from them. I think about falling in love with my future wife, pursing her, loving her as a daughter of the King, and fighting for her heart. I will treasure her and I will give and give and give and give and give, and when I’m tired of giving, I’ll give some more. I think about starting a family with her, having sons and daughters and being so blessed. I want to build an inheritance for my children’s children’s children. They will be in perfect intimacy with Father, and they won’t know disease, addiction, immorality, poverty, or death. But most of all, I think about being an abandoned radical lover of Jesus. He is the love of my life, He is why everything above is possible. I think about spending hours in His presence just worshiping Him. Without deep and real intimacy with my Father, my life isn’t worth living. I want to obey His every word and be completely yielded to Him. It’s going to cost me. I would like to suggest to you that if I’m not paying that cost now, my Father can’t trust me to do it when I walk. It’s embarrassing to talk about the cost of revival. Christianity is not a message of sacrifice, it’s about hope, love, faith, and abundance. But there is no doubt that it requires sacrifice to obtain the impossible. God requires our full hearts and nothing less. He wants all of us. But when we do that, God gives back a hundred times over.
He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God – Romans 14:6
Many Christians live with sin management, or they often live in legalism. But Christianity is actually a culture of grace, it’s rooted in a relationship with a loving Father. A culture of grace is actually more demanding than a culture of law. We have a personal responsibility to live a life abandoned to our Father. It’s why I’m giving up all television and movies. I have really felt Father asking me to do this for quite some time, but I’m finally listening and obeying. Like the verse says, some eat meat, but others don’t. Eating meat isn’t a sin, but our relationship with our Father demands certain things. For me, I’m not supposed to be watching television or movies. Watching television is not a sin, but since God told me not to, it is for me personally. There are many people that can have real intimacy with God and still watch television, but I’m not one of them. For some, it might be that God tells you to not have alcohol, or certain foods, but those issues don’t effect everyone. It’s all about the heart.
I’m saying to my Father that I will give Him everything. At any cost God, you can have it all. There is nothing more important than my intimacy with Him.
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