I want to finish my story from when I visited California. This story has had a huge impact on me.
Friday was the last day of the conference. It was so awesome. As I said before, the worship is outrageous. Unlike anything else. It literally pulls down Heaven. I got so much prayer that night, from so many different people. David spent a lot of time with me that night. We had a lot of stuff happen in my brain. It was crazy. I’m not sure if it had to do with my SMA, or if it was entirely something else. People kept giving me words about my brain. It felt like electric currents running through my head. David and many other people told me I need to come to the healing rooms bright and early the next day. Healing rooms are a place to go receive your breakthrough. I wanted to go. That night in the hotel was crazy. I was so wired and pumped. I laid down at 2:30 and had to wake up at 6 AM to go to the healing rooms. For three and a half hours I didn’t shut my eyes once. It was wild. Bryan and Steve woke up and we debated going. I was worried because I didn’t sleep at all, I wasn’t sure how I would feel. But I pushed through and went. We got there and Bryan and Steve fell asleep right away. How amazing are they? They gave EVERYTHING to make sure I had the week of my life. I wanted David to pray for me but God put me with a couple I didn’t know. They were incredible. They prayed for the fire of Holy Spirit to come upon me, and I felt it. And then Denise’s sister Amy came and laid hands on me too, and His presence increased on me and in me. The couple told me to close my eyes, and they asked Holy Spirit to show me how He sees me right now. Instantly I saw myself RUNNING in a field, totally healed and free. I just wept. I heard God say, “this is you NOW!” Wow. More than any other time, my miracle became a promise. When people die some say well God just decided not to heal them. How can that be? Jesus bought our healing in His death and resurrection. He put my disease on Him so that I won’t have it. Lets say we buy a truck. We can drive it for ten years, leave it in a garage, burn it, sell it, crash it, or give it away. But we can’t un-buy it. We can’t go back to the dealership and say well I decided I don’t want it. They won’t give us our money back. Just like God can’t take back His payment for our sin, disease, torment, poverty, and death. So many reduce the cross to forgiveness of sin. If that’s all it was, then praise God. Best gift ever! But Jesus told us to repent because the Kingdom of God is at hand. (Matthew 4:17) He also taught us to pray “on earth as in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) Heaven is made up of righteousness, peace, and joy. (Romans 14:17) Peace is one of the most pregnant words in the Bible. One meaning is divine health. Divine health is in my inheritance as a son of God. Not to enjoy just when I go to Heaven in 85 years, but it’s available now. Heaven is my destiny, but my assignment is to bring it to earth. I dare you to dream of God’s goodness. Dream your biggest dream and God will still out dream you.
A few months later my friend Denise Gater painted me a picture of my vision. It’s so great. I have it in my room and look at it everyday. Everyone loves it. I would like to suggest to you it’s not just a picture. It came out of an encounter with my loving Daddy, where He spoke to His son. And when Father speaks, His words carry the weight of Heaven. It’s a picture that shows a superior reality of peace invading an inferior reality of disease. In the fall of 2008 the apartments above us burned down. Our ceilings caved in and our home was ruined from water and smoke. But out of the ashes came my picture, untouched and protected by Father. He wanted to remind me that I am His son and we have a good Father. His love never fails.