Wednesday, August 19, 2009

speaking into our lives

Eric and Tami Taylor are fictional characters on "Friday Night Lights" but they are very real to me. I just finished season one and was greatly effected. It is a profound series about a small town in Texas that revolves around their families, religion, and most of all the high school football team. While I am not a big football fan, I love the show. It is about so much more than football. It deals with real people in real situations, it is compelling, heart breaking, and authentic. The heart of the show is Eric and Tami Taylor. He is the football coach and she is a high school counselor. They represent a real and true love to every kid on that show. While they are not perfect, it is an amazing representation of marriage. One that I look at and can pray and think "that's what I want!"

I believe the most important people in every persons life, young and old, are parents. The only person that should become more important is Jesus,and after that are spouse and kids. But especially growing up a mother and father are the most important and influential. A mother and father shows us God, love, protection, trust, joy, forgiveness, courage, hope, faith, honor, and are an example of how to live. Without a mother and father children can become afraid, bitter, angry, hateful, full of despair, and so on. But I would suggest parents can not do it alone. We were built to be surrounded by family and community, something this show demonstrates so powerfully. The Taylor's are there to not to replace parents, but to support them. To just be there. To just love them. I am convinced I have the greatest parents in the world, but I also have the best, what I call, spiritual parents. I could not live with one or the other.

Lets honor the people who speak into our lives through their words, actions, and examples. And check out Friday Night Lights!


Mike Beach said...

I'll check out Friday Night Lights, I heard it was good even you hate football. I hate football.

birdie said...

Zac - I love Friday Night Lights too! (and unlike Mike, I don't hate football :-) Eric & Tami are a very cool couple. I agree with you about how the show deals with what seems like real people/situations. I esp. liked what Matt's character went through last year. Did you watch all three seasons? I can't wait for the final two seasons.

Zachary Beach said...

i'm only through season 1, but will watch the next 2 very soon. im excited. Love you Joy!