Monday, September 22, 2008

vote 2008

Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
Serve the LORD with fear,
And rejoice with trembling

Psalm 2:10-11

This is a very exciting season for me. I love politics and this is a very exciting election. I would love to share my heart about this. To me this election is about family. Family is the heart of life, the very core of our nation. The two biggest issues are life and the sanctity of marriage being between man and woman. It is my opinion that these issues are vital to family.

Roe V. Wade is a decree made by judges in America that legalizes the slaughtering of the unborn. All government is derived from government in heaven. Gods Kingdom does not allow the innocent to be killed. Our nation has taken a position. And as sons and daughters of the King we must arise and bring the Kingdom. We must govern and rule out of righteousness.

Barack Obama and John McCain are both great men. The truth is either man can run this country. The truth is the real hope and change America needs is found in Jesus. They are only one man. Lets arise and show the world who Jesus is. The Jesus that cares for the black boy in inner city Chicago, for the single mom without healthcare, for the family who lost their home or job, for the young men and women in Iraq, and for the unborn child whose destiny was stolen by being killed in the womb of their mother. The answer is not just up to our government, or up to one democrat or republican. As saints we are on earth to bring heaven to earth.

Only John McCain will give us judges that will vote for the rights of the unborn. This is why I am voting for John McCain. Women always have a choice to put their babies up for adoption. The unborn must have a voice and a right to life. Elections can be won by prayers! Lord let your will be done.

God I pray for righteous leaders and judges. Raise up your sons and daughters to bring justice. Life is the issue. Bring peace to our economy! I love you Jesus!


Mike Beach said...

I love you Zachary. I completely disagree. I hope you feel better soon.

Wolfemom said...

Zac, Tag - you're it!
Love, Kathy