Sunday, July 26, 2009

be still

"Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)

I love this verse. It is so simple and profound. Yet so often I am not still. Time is the most valuable thing to God, and certainly to a lot of people too, including myself. So many Christians like myself do Bible study, go to church, stays out of sin, mission trips, and the list can go on forever. While those things are important and needed, God aches and longs for us to come into His throne room to be with Him.

At some point everyone likes to be with someone, they need and want a connection. The most profound experiences I have with people is not watching tv, movies, sports, video games, and so on, but they are when we make a heart to heart connection. To really know a person takes a lot of effort and time. Staying up all night talking, sharing a meal, worship and prayer, and simply just being together. It is a time for healing, because when your with someone I believe the person your with releases life to you. I have experienced this first hand. When laying in the hospital and I feel like crap, it literally makes me feel better when someone sits with me. If I am struggling with something, being with someone makes me better. I know everyone has experienced this, but for some reason it is not always easy. I have found it is easier to stay busy, to have activities and go out and about. Those things are ok to do, and I love to do all those things, but if it happens a lot, it is easy to fall into a place where it gets harder to share and just be. Sometimes not doing those things can be very awkward. It is difficult to share your dreams, desires, thoughts, and feelings. And finally with so much to do people get bored with nothing to do.

Being in Gods throne room means to be with him. God is madly in love with us and all He wants is us. Early in my walk with God it did not occur to me being with God is important. Reading the Bible can teach you about God, which is important, because He says He is the word. But for so long it was just words. Yes I believed it, but it was mostly confusing and uninteresting. But being with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit and feeling their presence you get to know them as different persons. They become alive and they make the Bible come alive, it is more than just stories. Being with Him is the most exhilarating, intoxicating, peaceful, and lovely thing I've ever felt. God wants to know everything about us. Yes he knows about us, he is God. But to share with Him is a whole other thing, it is being intimate and trusting in Him. And yes it is is difficult because of every reason I already listed. But I challenge myself and my friends to slow down and be with God. I literally have to stop everything I am doing. Bill and Beni Johnson have taught me so much in this area. Sometimes I just sit, or go on a walk, or worship. I will not pray or ask for anything. I just allow His presence to rest on me, to feel His extravagant love! It is important to get used to His presence, to know what it feels like.

As important as knowing your spouse, friends and family is, it is way more important to encounter God! People live without His presence everyday and are very happy and fulfilled. But I would suggest life to the fullest is with God, knowing and being in His presence. And if someone just lives their own experience then they won't know anything else is available. Jesus came to give life to the full!! Lord grant us the grace to slow down, to get to know you. Help us recognize your presence. Lord help us fall in love with you even more!